The Commonwealth Games are scheduled to start next week in Delhi, and, the papers have been full of stories and pictures about the preparedness or the lack thereof. There are pictures of pan-stained wash basins and much else. But, that is not what caught my attention today…the Hindu ( a major Indian newspaper) has a lead story on how the CWG authorities are ‘employing’ trained Langur monkeys to keep away wild monkeys from the games’ sites. Civilization, I chuckled to myself, is catching up with the simians too…
I can quite imagine the conversation in a Langur family…”Our Chottu, you know, has got a good job now ?” Mama Langur would be telling her friends sitting on the mango tree outside the Jawaharlal Nehru stadium, “Civil service ki naukri mili hai, Chottu ko…” adding, “…ab tho contract ka naukri hai…magar Games ke baad permanent ho jayega…” (A job in the government civil service. Right now it is a contract job, but, it will become permanent after the Games)
Aunty Langur whose son Mottu did not get the job because he was overweight pipes in saying, “Of course that is what they say…that they will make him permanent after the Games…my cousin who was recruited for the Asiad Games in 1982, is still on contract…and this time, they told him that he was too old for the job…”
“Maybe Chottu will do so well that the Canadians will recruit him and he can go to Canada” Mama Langur piped in, already having dreams of visiting Niagara Falls once Chottu goes to Canada…
Aunty Langur could not get that go past her…”You know these Canadians are big chors (thieves)…they tempt our boys to apply for immigration to make money…and when the boys go there they tell them there are no jobs for them because they do not have Canadian experience…in any case what will a Langur do in Canada, there are no wild monkeys to chase away at the Air Canada stadium when the Blue Jays play” Aunty Langur chipped in, showing off her superior knowledge of Canada…Aunty Langur added, “You know Sarala’s son had to come back after paying 10,000 bananas for his immigration because he could not find even a circus job in Canada…no Canadian experience”
As this talk was going on among the women, Dada Langur ambled in, scratching his paunch…Dada Langur was the grand old monkey of the lot…he was grizzled from several fights he had over bananas, peanuts and yes, women in his days…he had wandered to different orchards and claimed that he had sat on a tree in Birla House at one of Gandhi’s prayer meetings…
“What are you women gossiping about ?” Dada asked as all the women monkeys covered their heads with the approaching alpha male…Walking into the assembly, Dada Langur fondly patted Sharyu, a thirty something year old curvaceous Langur, making it look avuncular, but, everybody knew his thoughts and intentions…
Mama Langur told him, “Dadaji, the Commonwealth Games are starting next week…” “Of course, I know about the Commowealth Games…" Dada Langur replied, "you must remember that I am almost as old as the Commonwealth itself…Did they finally get those toilets fixed ?”
Mama Langur who had to get in the news of her son’s selection to the Civil Service job cut Dadaji short, “Our Chottu has got a job with the Civil Service for the Commonwealth games…right now it is contract but will become permanent…”
“What job has Chottu got ?” Dada Langur asked, reaching for a clump of bananas…
Before Mama Langur could say anything, Aunty Langur chipped in, “He is going to drive away all our Langur brothers and sisters who will be visiting the stadiums from the villages…” Since Mottu hadn’t got the job, she needed to show the job in a bad light…
Dada Langur listened to Aunty Langur and swallowed a few more bananas…
“You know, they say the British left India, but, their practices never left the country…this is true not just for men and women, but, also for monkey dom…” Dada Langur started saying…
“During the salt satyagraha,” he continued, “whom did the British use to assault the satyagrahis…not British constables…the British sergeant stood with his sola topee on and ordered Indian constables to attack…the Indians had been trained on how to hit their brethren…the British sergeant stood by and gave orders…the Indian constables did the dirty work…”
“Of course, the Indian constables got special privileges…in fact, when the British left they took many of them to Bilayat (Bilayat means Overseas, the root word from which the word Old Blightey comes) with them…I remember, my cousin’s friend, Gilbert…his real name was Gowrishanker and he changed his name to Gilbert…went to Bilayat the year the British left, married a white girl and settled down…”
“So, Girls…” the patriarch continued, “things don’t change…civilization is catching up with us monkeys too, sixty years later…Mama Langur, forget marrying off Chottu to your brother’s daughter, Bitiya…get ready to welcome a Canadian memsahib as bahu in a few years’ time…” Dada Langur gave another avuncular pat to Sharyu and limbered off into the trees near Jawaharlal Nehru stadium
The Commonwealth Games are scheduled to start next week in Delhi, and, the papers have been full of stories and pictures about the preparedness or the lack thereof. There are pictures of pan-stained wash basins and much else. But, that is not what caught my attention today…the Hindu ( a major Indian newspaper) has a lead story on how the CWG authorities are ‘employing’ trained Langur monkeys to keep away wild monkeys from the games’ sites. Civilization, I chuckled to myself, is catching up with the simians too…
I can quite imagine the conversation in a Langur family…”Our Chottu, you know, has got a good job now ?” Mama Langur would be telling her friends sitting on the mango tree outside the Jawaharlal Nehru stadium, “Civil service ki naukri mili hai, Chottu ko…” adding, “…ab tho contract ka naukri hai…magar Games ke baad permanent ho jayega…” (A job in the government civil service. Right now it is a contract job, but, it will become permanent after the Games)
Aunty Langur whose son Mottu did not get the job because he was overweight pipes in saying, “Of course that is what they say…that they will make him permanent after the Games…my cousin who was recruited for the Asiad Games in 1982, is still on contract…and this time, they told him that he was too old for the job…”
“Maybe Chottu will do so well that the Canadians will recruit him and he can go to Canada” Mama Langur piped in, already having dreams of visiting Niagara Falls once Chottu goes to Canada…
Aunty Langur could not get that go past her…”You know these Canadians are big chors (thieves)…they tempt our boys to apply for immigration to make money…and when the boys go there they tell them there are no jobs for them because they do not have Canadian experience…in any case what will a Langur do in Canada, there are no wild monkeys to chase away at the Air Canada stadium when the Blue Jays play” Aunty Langur chipped in, showing off her superior knowledge of Canada…Aunty Langur added, “You know Sarala’s son had to come back after paying 10,000 bananas for his immigration because he could not find even a circus job in Canada…no Canadian experience”
As this talk was going on among the women, Dada Langur ambled in, scratching his paunch…Dada Langur was the grand old monkey of the lot…he was grizzled from several fights he had over bananas, peanuts and yes, women in his days…he had wandered to different orchards and claimed that he had sat on a tree in Birla House at one of Gandhi’s prayer meetings…
“What are you women gossiping about ?” Dada asked as all the women monkeys covered their heads with the approaching alpha male…Walking into the assembly, Dada Langur fondly patted Sharyu, a thirty something year old curvaceous Langur, making it look avuncular, but, everybody knew his thoughts and intentions…
Mama Langur told him, “Dadaji, the Commonwealth Games are starting next week…” “Of course, I know about the Commowealth Games…" Dada Langur replied, "you must remember that I am almost as old as the Commonwealth itself…Did they finally get those toilets fixed ?”
Mama Langur who had to get in the news of her son’s selection to the Civil Service job cut Dadaji short, “Our Chottu has got a job with the Civil Service for the Commonwealth games…right now it is contract but will become permanent…”
“What job has Chottu got ?” Dada Langur asked, reaching for a clump of bananas…
Before Mama Langur could say anything, Aunty Langur chipped in, “He is going to drive away all our Langur brothers and sisters who will be visiting the stadiums from the villages…” Since Mottu hadn’t got the job, she needed to show the job in a bad light…
Dada Langur listened to Aunty Langur and swallowed a few more bananas…
“You know, they say the British left India, but, their practices never left the country…this is true not just for men and women, but, also for monkey dom…” Dada Langur started saying…
“During the salt satyagraha,” he continued, “whom did the British use to assault the satyagrahis…not British constables…the British sergeant stood with his sola topee on and ordered Indian constables to attack…the Indians had been trained on how to hit their brethren…the British sergeant stood by and gave orders…the Indian constables did the dirty work…”
“Of course, the Indian constables got special privileges…in fact, when the British left they took many of them to Bilayat (Bilayat means Overseas, the root word from which the word Old Blightey comes) with them…I remember, my cousin’s friend, Gilbert…his real name was Gowrishanker and he changed his name to Gilbert…went to Bilayat the year the British left, married a white girl and settled down…”
“So, Girls…” the patriarch continued, “things don’t change…civilization is catching up with us monkeys too, sixty years later…Mama Langur, forget marrying off Chottu to your brother’s daughter, Bitiya…get ready to welcome a Canadian memsahib as bahu in a few years’ time…” Dada Langur gave another avuncular pat to Sharyu and limbered off into the trees near Jawaharlal Nehru stadium